PennFuture Blog

Our Perspectives on the Latest Issues

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Pipeline Problems Persist in Pennsylvania

by Jared Stonesifer, Director of Media Relations
The next time groups like the Marcellus Shale Coalition tell you pipelines are safe and necessary, don’t believe them. The evidence is right in front of us to the contrary. Read more

Terrible Excuses to Mine Bitcoin

by Rob Altenburg, Senior Director for Energy and Climate
The U.S. House Committee on Energy and Commerce held a hearing on the energy impacts of Blockchain. While the panel of speakers made some good points, the hearing also provided a platform for several pro-bitcoin boosters to repeat really bad arguments in favor of wasteful crypto-mining. Read more

Introducing PennFuture's New Legal Interns!

by Abigail M. Jones, Vice President of Legal and Policy
Since its inception in 1998, PennFuture has emphasized the importance of using the law to protect Pennsylvania’s environment and “create a just future where nature, communities, and the economy thrive.” Read more

PennFuture Asks PA Supreme Court to Protect Pennsylvanians’ Groundwater and Environmental Rights

by Emma Bast, Staff Attorney
PennFuture and our allies wrote a “friend of the court” brief to ensure that the Supreme Court understands what is at stake here. Read more

New Amendment to Pennsylvania’s Watershed Implementation Plan Shows Progress in Meeting Clean Water Goals, but Legislature Still Must Act

by Renee Reber, Campaign Manager, Watershed Advocacy
Last week, the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection released its long-anticipated amendment to the Phase 3 Watershed Implementation Plan. Read more

Looking Ahead to the Best and Worst of 2022’s Legislative Proposals

by Ezra P. Thrush, Senior Director of Government Affairs
Here is our roundup of the best - and the worst - of the bills expected to make their way through the Pennsylvania General Assembly in 2022. Read more

Goodbye 2021, Hello 2022

by Jacquelyn Bonomo, PennFuture President and CEO
This upcoming 2022 is as important a New Year as ever. We are working hard toward our mission and need all of you by our side doing the same. Read more

PennFuture Meets with State Agencies About Asphalt-Plastic Mixture

by John Ukenye, Policy Analyst
On Dec. 9, PennFuture met with representatives from the Departments of Transportation, Conservation and Natural Resources, Environmental Protection, and General Services , Pennsylvania GreenGov Council, and engineering firm RK&K. Read more

Renewable Natural Gas: Hope or Hype?

by Rob Altenburg, Senior Director for Energy and Climate
“Renewable natural gas” (RNG) sounds good, but does it live up to the hype as a green alternative to fracked gas or is it something like the mythical “clean coal?" Read more

Civilian Conservation Corps Gaining Momentum in Pennsylvania

by Jared Stonesifer, Director of Media Relations
The William Penn Foundation recently announced a $1.65 million Delaware River Climate Corps that would fund up to 200 jobs restoring landscapes, installing green stormwater infrastructure, and performing home weatherization throughout the Delaware River watershed. Read more

PennFuture Appeals MS4 Permits Issued by Department of Environmental Protection

by Emma Bast, Staff Attorney
In Pennsylvania, stormwater is a leading cause of impairment of our Commonwealth’s waterways. Read more

Living in the Blast Zone: Fracking's Bomb Trains

by Donna Kohut, Policy Manager for Sustainable Economics
The fracking industry is still thinking of new ways to threaten the health of our waterways and communities. Read more

Breaking Down the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act

by Ezra P. Thrush, Senior Director of Government Affairs
The federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act will truly transform Pennsylvania. Read more

Philadelphia Energy Solutions Hearing Brings Environmental Justice to Forefront

by Adam Nagel, Campaign Manager
The case for environmental justice stood centerstage this week during a hearing on the ongoing remediation efforts at the former Philadelphia Energy Solutions (PES) refinery complex. Read more

Nigerian Princes: How the Fracked Gas Industry Killed Pennsylvania Coal and Raised Electricity Prices While Swimming in Taxpayer Subsidies

by Rob Altenburg, Senior Director for Energy and Climate
When the shale gas industry came to Pennsylvania, industry lobbyists were telling our legislators how profitable it would be. It turns out that wasn't the case. Read more

PennFuture, Partners Appeal Air Installation Permit for Proposed Gas-Burning Plant in Elizabeth Township

by Angela Kilbert, Staff Attorney
If completed, this facility would be a major source of nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, and VOC emissions, and a minor source for particulate matter, PM10, PM2.5, sulfur dioxide, and hazardous air pollutants. Read more

During Press Conference, State Senators Openly Choose Profits Over Pennsylvanians, Our Environment

by John Ukenye, Policy Analyst
On October 20, 2021, State Senators Camera Bartolotta, Gene Yaw, and Independent John Yudichak held a press conference at the Main Capitol Rotunda filled to the brim with falsehoods. Read more

The Basics of Hydrogen

by Rob Altenburg, Senior Director for Energy and Climate
The topic of hydrogen can seem heavy and hard to digest. Read more

Connecting Pennsylvania with COP26

by Jacquelyn Bonomo, PennFuture President and CEO
The imperative for bold action on climate has never been greater. Read more

DRBC Proposed Regulations Ban Discharge of Fracking Wastewater, Discourages Fracking-Related Interbasin Water Transfers

by Abigail M. Jones, Vice President of Legal and Policy
It appears that the DRBC is taking seriously its authority – and duty – to protect the Delaware watershed from the inherent harms of fracking. Read more

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