PennFuture Blog

Our Perspectives on the Latest Issues

Featured Blog:

Recycling is Exacerbating the Plastic Waste Crisis

by Emily Persico, Policy Analyst
Advanced recycling builds upon a decades-long crusade by the oil and gas industry to undermine the effectiveness of recycling. Read more

Ready for 2021

by Jacquelyn Bonomo, PennFuture President and CEO
In her year-end blog, PennFuture President and CEO Jacquelyn Bonomo writes about the difficulties of 2020 while looking ahead to the possibilities of 2021. Read more

2019-2020 Legislative Wrap-Up & 2021 Preview: Where Does the PA General Assembly Stand on Our Environment?

by Ezra P. Thrush, Senior Director of Government Affairs
While advancing proactive, offensive, good environmental legislation remains a challenge in Harrisburg, PennFuture and partners killed, blocked, and bottled-up a host of anti-environmental and pro-fossil fuel bills and policies in the recent previous legislative session. Read more

More Challenges Knocking on Dimock’s Door

by Emily Persico, Policy Analyst
News reports suggest Dimock may serve as the location for Eastern Pennsylvania’s first deep injection fracking well. Read more

PennFuture Releases Blueprint to Protect Pennsylvania's Lake Erie Watershed

by Sarah Bennett, Campaign Manager for Clean Water Advocacy
On Dec. 3, PennFuture and 12 partner organizations released a 50-page document aimed at protecting Pennsylvania's Lake Erie watershed for decades to come. Read more

Building the United States' Green Economy Future through Appalachia

by Jacquelyn Bonomo, PennFuture President and CEO
Our climate justice and clean energy future must begin here in Appalachia, whose people, land and water have paid a dear price for powering the nation and world for almost two hundred years. Read more

PA General Assembly Wraps Up Annual Budget, Punts on Stimulus

by Ezra P. Thrush, Senior Director of Government Affairs
Last week, the Pennsylvania General Assembly hammered out the final pieces of this year’s state budget, which began in late May when the Legislature passed a five-month stopgap budget package. Read more

Confronting Reality: Pennsylvania Leaders Refuse to Acknowledge State of Petrochemical Industry

by Emily Persico, Policy Analyst
Even Texas is willing to admit something that many Pennsylvania leaders continue to deny: the shale gas and petrochemical industry is dying. Read more

PennFuture Intervenes to Support FERC Jurisdiction over Wyalusing LNG Facility

by Abigail M. Jones, Vice President of Legal and Policy
Over the past year, PennFuture has been engaged with local community members and organizations in tracking and opposing this liquified natural gas facility on the Susquehanna River. Read more

An Election Day Wish

by Jacquelyn Bonomo, PennFuture President and CEO
In her monthly blog, PennFuture President and CEO Jacquelyn Bonomo writes about Election Day finally arriving, and what this election means for our environment and democracy. Read more

Green and Complete Streets Programs are Good for Communities and the Environment

by Lena Smith
PennFuture is recommending investments in green and complete streets to address decades of neglect including the environmental injustices of the urban heat island effect, unequal access to green space, and stormwater pollution. Read more

Setting the Record Straight About Fracking in Pennsylvania

by Emily Persico, Policy Analyst
With so much media attention dedicated to it, it should come as no surprise that some basic facts about fracking have been misrepresented, misconstrued or, in same cases, completely fabricated. Read more

Clean Water Advocacy Forges Ahead Despite Pandemic

by Renee Reber, Campaign Manager, Watershed Advocacy
The COVID-19 pandemic has left its impact on all of us and continues to raise uncertainty at every corner, including in our clean water advocacy. Read more

Toxic Fracking Waste Becomes Mounting Problem for Downstream Communities

by Abigail M. Jones, Vice President of Legal and Policy
We know the dangers of fracking operations, but what many might not realize is that the fracking industry is allowed to dispose of its wastes in landfills across Pennsylvania. Read more

How a Clean Water Program is Addressing Equity in Philadelphia

by Lena Smith
Whether it’s the COVID-19 public health crisis, structural racism, economic downturn, or gun violence, one action can offer real solutions to them all: investing in green space. Read more

An Admission and a Promise

by Jared Stonesifer, Director of Media Relations
Like others, PennFuture has fallen short in our efforts to help build a truly equitable and just Pennsylvania. We are being introspective and intentional in trying to change that, and this blog explains our process. Read more

Creative Civic Engagement During the Pandemic

by Jacquelyn Bonomo, PennFuture President and CEO
Despite restrictions and roadblocks from the COVID-19 pandemic, PennFuture has been forging full steam ahead this summer with our civic engagement work. Read more

Fossil Fuel Polluters and Friends Ramp Up New Attack on Solar Energy in Pa.

by Rob Altenburg, Senior Director for Energy and Climate
Rep. Chris Dush, one of the most notorious climate deniers in the state House of Representatives, is leading a new assault on solar energy in Pa. Read more

Trump's Energy Secretary Denies Human-Made Climate Change, Promotes Petrochemicals During Beaver County Visit

by Emily Persico, Policy Analyst
Last week, Energy Secretary Dan Brouillette came to Beaver County and promoted a bleak vision for the future that includes a reliance on petrochemicals and fossil fuels at the expense of renewable energy. Read more

LNG in PA Blog #5: Public opposition grows to proposed LNG shipping terminals

by Abigail M. Jones, Vice President of Legal and Policy
As communities and local government learn more about LNG in Pennsylvania, they are taking steps to protect themselves. Read more

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