PennFuture Blog

Our Perspectives on the Latest Issues

Featured Blog:

What Comes Next in Pennsylvania's Efforts to Join RGGI?

by Rob Altenburg, Senior Director for Energy and Climate
We are 19 months into a process expected to take about 24 months total. Read more

Regulatory Reforms Would Roll Back Environmental and Health Protections

by Ezra P. Thrush, Senior Director of Government Affairs
Pennsylvania’s legislators appear eager to overhaul how the Commonwealth reviews and implements state law. Read more

Electric Mobility Legislation Could Supercharge EV Infrastructure

by Ezra P. Thrush, Senior Director of Government Affairs
The Clean Transportation Infrastructure Act will require that the state’s electric utilities develop comprehensive strategies to expand accessibility and to improve affordability of vehicle charging infrastructure. Read more

Legislators Continue to Stand in the Way of Climate Action

by Ezra P. Thrush, Senior Director of Government Affairs
SB 119 not only reflects a lack of desire among the Legislature to lead on climate progress. It reflects a failure to listen to voters across the state. Read more

Pennsylvania vs. the Future

by Jessica O'Neill, Senior Attorney
We deserve better from our elected state representatives. They need to stop standing in the way of our future. Read more

PennFuture Releases New Report to Save Chesapeake Bay

by Renee Reber, Campaign Manager, Watershed Advocacy
PennFuture today released a policy agenda designed to give Pennsylvania lawmakers a roadmap to fund clean water programs and to get us back on track toward meeting our obligations to clean up the bay. Read more

The Time to Hesitate is Through

by Jacquelyn Bonomo, PennFuture President and CEO
President Biden's "American Jobs Plan" is a historic initiative, that if enacted fully by Congress, would be a watershed moment for the country and Commonwealth. Read more

Net Metering Works for Pennsylvania

by Rob Altenburg, Senior Director for Energy and Climate
Fairness demands that we pay net-metered solar generators for the full value of the services they provide. Read more

A Banner Week for the Delaware River Watershed

by Jared Stonesifer, Director of Media Relations
It was a banner week for Pennsylvania’s portion of the Delaware River Watershed, as three events unfolded here that could have enormous ramifications for clean water for decades to come. Read more


by Jacquelyn Bonomo, PennFuture President and CEO
In her monthly blog, PennFuture President and CEO Jacquelyn Bonomo writes about a new report released by PennFuture that shows the depths Pennsylvania goes to subsidize the fossil fuel industry: $3.8 billion in 2019, to be exact, which equates to $296 per Pennsylvania resident. Read more

A Breath of Fresh Air: How Will the Biden Administration Fight Carbon Pollution?

by Rob Altenburg, Senior Director for Energy and Climate
Even though federal action is likely on the way, Pennsylvania can and should move forward with its own proposed CO2 Cap and Invest program without delay. Read more

Fracking Banned in Delaware River Basin

by Jessica O'Neill, Senior Attorney
On Feb. 25, the Delaware River Basin Commission banned fracking in the basin, a move widely celebrated by those who cherish clean water and environmental protections. Read more

A Breath of Fresh Air: Two Steps (and Hopefully More) Forward on Environmental Justice and Water Protection

by Jessica O'Neill, Senior Attorney
In the fourth post in our ongoing series, Senior Attorney Jessica O'Neill examines potential environmental justice and clean water protections under the Biden administration. Read more

A Breath of Fresh Air: Reason for Optimism for Lake Erie

by Sarah Bennett, Campaign Manager for Clean Water Advocacy
Great Lakes communities have reason for optimism under the new Biden administration. Read more

A Welcomed Shift in Philadelphia’s Approach to Infrastructure Financing

by Lena Smith
It’s refreshing to see the Philadelphia Water Department pursue innovative approaches towards financing and fixing very old issues with the city’s aging infrastructure. Read more

PennFuture joins with the Philadelphia Coalition for Affordable Communities

by Lena Smith
PennFuture is proud to stand among the members of this new coalition in seeking community-led solutions to Philadelphia’s affordability and land justice challenges. Read more

A Breath of Fresh Air

by Jared Stonesifer, Director of Media Relations
President Biden's administration is a breath of fresh air, but time will tell as to its true impact on the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the climate we all rely on for survival. Read more

In the Midst of a Democracy Emergency

by Jacquelyn Bonomo, PennFuture President and CEO, Matthew Stepp, Vice President and Chief of Staff, PennFuture
While PennFuture remains a beacon for environmental leadership and protection in Pennsylvania, we would not be true to our mission if we didn’t stand up and emphatically oppose efforts to undercut the democracy we require to ensure clean air, clean water and abundant green spaces. Read more

The Growing Danger of Pipelines Our Safety Regulations Overlook

by Emily Persico, Policy Analyst
Regulating gathering pipelines is not the only action necessary to modernize our outdated pipeline safety regulations, but it’s an important first step. Read more

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