February 25, 2021

PennFuture responds to Delaware River Basin Commission vote on fracking ban

“PennFuture applauds the historic and necessary step taken today by the Delaware River Basin Commission to ban fracking within the basin,” said PennFuture President and CEO Jacquelyn Bonomo. “As the agency responsible for managing the water supply for 13 million people, the DRBC today acted responsibly, within its authority, and in the best interests of both public health and the environment. The Commission listened to the thousands of voices, including PennFuture, who supported the ban on fracking—and called for the rejection of the proposed regulations on fracking-related interbasin water transfers and the treatment and disposal of fracking wastewater—so that our Delaware River water resources can truly be protected for now and for future generations.

However, the fight isn’t over yet. Because the DRBC withdrew its proposed regulations regarding interbasin water transfers and fracking wastewater treatment within the basin, and instead plans to issue new regulations for public comment by September of this year, PennFuture will review those regulations and will explore all of our options to ensure that the Commission’s regulations are fully protective of water quality. The fracked gas industry in Pennsylvania has a long and infamous history of disrespecting our laws, communities, shared resources and environment, and PennFuture must be sure that the Delaware River and its tributaries will not be the latest victims of contamination and degradation by an industry that has shown, time and again, it cannot be trusted to protect our natural resources.”


PennFuture is leading the transition to a clean energy economy in Pennsylvania, fighting big polluters with legal muscle, enforcing environmental laws, and supporting legislative policy that protects public health. PennFuture is engaging and educating citizens about the realities of climate change, and giving them the tools needed to influence lawmakers on the issues. Visit www.pennfuture.org for more information.

Jared Stonesifer
Director of Media Relations